Tutsan - St. John's Wort
our inner light can provide soothing fortification and protection
St. John’s Wort is well known as an herbal antidepressant, and historically was known as protection against evil spirits. I’m aware of St. John’s Wort essences that transmit:
protection from staying grounded in and connected to your physical body
protection that arises from our inner light rather than external forces
strengthening and fortifying our energy field so that it is stable and protected regulation of the relationship between inner and outer light
This quote from FES really brings it all together for me: “St. John’s Wort, including its use as a flower essence, is far more than a depression remedy. It is a regulator of our relationship to the inner and outer light. Its spiritual lesson is to fortify ourselves by taking up the light into the warmth of our blood, where it can protect and nourish our bodies and souls and allow us to radiate light and warmth from within.”
Below you’ll find more about the species I collected from, the meaning of the names, the relevant plant signatures, a transmission of our inner light as protection, and my essence description.