Double Yellow Daffodil
Bravely Shining with Fortitude through Challenging Conditions
While there are many moments at which we can mark a new year, and at which there is a collective force of energy in the process of renewal, there’s something about our Gregorian calendar’s New Year’s Eve that carries a big weight in our society. Even if you celebrate an autumn new year, an astrological spring new year, a lunar winter new year, or celebrate your birthday as your personal new year, there is a big page-turn that happens on December 31st, and I’m honoring that with a transmission that I hope will support you in this season.
The flower essence I’m sharing with you today was collected at a time of deep change within me that accompanied a change of season. It was the first essence I ever collected at my Woodstock cottage, on a very windy April day, in the first April I had on that land. Since it was my first spring there, I would be keeping my eyes alert to all the plant friends who would be showing their faces.
There was a beautiful patch of daffodils who had risen up from the ground but they hadn’t quite opened fully enough for me to get a clear look. On April 5, the photo below shows all I could see. I knew enough to see it was a daffodil, but the way it was opening hinted at something unusual. There seemed to be more petals than I would expect from a daffodil. And the sheer volume of stalks held a kind of excitement for me and promise of the fertility of the land and the medicine I might expect from it.
There was still snow on the ground and in the trees up in the mountains. It certainly wasn’t warm. And these beautiful early flowers were not only emerging, but bursting bravely forth with unapologetic life and brightness. They gave me hope and inspiration, and I couldn’t help but notice how their color was perfectly matched to the solar plexus chakra, our center of personal power and sense of self.
In my life I was feeling the increasingly more obvious disharmony in my romantic relationship. I could no longer ignore all the ways in which I wasn’t being my full or real self, and facing that was extremely uncomfortable. With the perspective I have now, I know I was resistant to acknowledge the misalignment of the match because the ending of that relationship would bring up deep pain that would rock the next year of my life.
I remember the day I collected this essence. It was windy and blustery, cold, with light snow and sunlight alternating, and the wind never letting up. There were glimpses of spring, but winter was still very present. The conditions were difficult but these flowers just kept showing more and more of themselves.
As the daffodils began to open more, I remember being mystified by their many petals. A little research helped me to discover they’re called “double daffodils”. As soon as I set up to collect them on windy April 10th, 2020, I felt their force enter and invigorate me. I began to sense their medicine and support. It was fierce, bright, strong, and a bit wild.
I felt emboldened to stand up for what I really wanted and who I really was. I felt my true self reinforced and ready to rise and risk and live. I felt the reality of the relationship not matching up to what we thoughts it would be. It would be another two months before our misaligned union would officially end, but I recognize those last weeks as the time I was allowing myself to step forward and be more misaligned because I was more in and of my truth.
When I go back to look at my collection notes and pictures, I’m given little bits of information that help me form the bigger picture of my essence collection journey in life. April 10th was a particularly significant day for me in 2024 as well, and I collected Bloodroot and Violet essences that day. It made me wonder if other April 10ths had been as momentous. I took a little journey down memory lane via my iphone photos and discovered that, yes, significant movement happened on that day for me from 2018 through this year, at least. Just another little thread I can keep following, supporting my view that our cycles have rhythm and reason, and the more we pay attention, the more we can move forward informed and aligned.
This essence supports your stepping forward and shining your full, true self out into the world, no matter the conditions, no matter the season.
Essence Description
Bringing you the fortitude to withstand imperfect conditions in order to live your calling, this essence brings you into alignment with the natural brightness and confidence you possess within. Wonderful for connecting with and strengthening your solar plexus and finding and living your true identity.
For courage and bravery when the unpredictable conditions are less than ideal.
For the willingness to step out into the unknown with faith that the world will evolve.
For the knowing that your presence is important, necessary, and divinely called for.
For that time when you feel a calling and have to bravely step forward.
This essence is also helpful in reassuring you when you are doing the right thing that is in alignment with your true nature and calling.